Application Track of EuroXR 2024

Call for Contributions & Submission Guidelines




  • Short abstract submission deadline: Sept 23,  2024

  • Notification to authors: Oct 3, 2024

  • Camera ready: Oct 10, 2024

  • Conference days: 27 - 29 November 2024

    Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Time Zone Converter)

The 21st EuroXR International Conference is taking place 27-29 November 2024 in Athens, Greece.

EuroXR 2024 invites Applications submissions that address innovative and important topics related to practical use cases of XR technologies. A list with topics of interest can be found here.

All accepted abstracts for Application track will be published in the Application & Demo proceedings of EuroXR 2024 as an ISBN-registered volume edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

You can download the flyer with the Call for Contributions for Application Track from here.


General Chairs 

  • Angelos Amditis, ICCS, Athens, Greece

  • Benjamin C. Lok, University of Florida, USA

  • Xubo Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Application Program Chairs 

  • Despina Michael-Grigoriou, GET Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

  • Tina Katika, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece

  • Armin Grasnick, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Domna Banakou, New York University Abu Dhabi

  • Kaj Helin, VTT, Finland

  • Jerome Perret, Haption, France & Germany

Organization Team 

  • EuroXR - Patrick Bourdot,  Mónica González, Jerome Perret, Gabriel Zachmann, Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona.

  • ICCS (Institute of Communication and Computer System) - Angelos Amditis, Ioanna Doutsou, Irini Krimpa.


Applications submissions should be:

  • Short Abstracts (2 to 4 pages) including references, figures, tables, and an appendix. The abstract should address best practices, practical use cases of XR, project results of applications using such technologies in industry and other sectors, actual or potential transfers of academic results, and position papers.

Abstract Formatting

The abstracts are to be submitted in the English language as a PDF file using the Microsoft Word template available here. The number of pages is indicative.

Abstract Submission

Only abstracts submitted before the deadline (see Important Dates) via our Submission system will be considered for reviewing and publication in the proceedings.

Camera Ready Instructions

Authors whose contribution is accepted are required to upload the final version of their abstract on the submission system as a source file (Microsoft Word DOCX), before the Camera Ready deadline (see Important Dates).

Conference Management System - Submission System

For all categories of the Application track, submissions will be managed by the CMT a Conference Management System, which can be found here. After registering at the system, you may find our submission page with the conference name: 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024 [Applications Track].

Authors Commitment

In submitting an abstract the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final version in time for inclusion in the proceedings and will present their contribution at the conference.

They also commit to attend and present at the conference in person (physically) and must pay the conference fees for the whole duration of the conference.

For further information do not hesitate to contact EuroXR 2024 Application Program Chairs.