Our Members
Individual Members
Mariano Alcaniz Raya
Angelos Amditis
Eleftherios Anastasovitis
Domna Banakou
Ronan Boulic
Patrick Bourdot
Angélica de Antonio
Nikhil Deshpange
Cristian Dessi
Bernd Froehlich
Michele Gattullo
Pascual Gonzalez Lopez
Armin Grasnick
Amal Hmaid
Krista Hoek
Giannis Karaseitanidis
Torsten Wolfgang Kuhlen
Paola Kontro
Christoph Leitner
Kayvan Mirza
Despina Michael-Grigoriou
Jose Pascual Nieuwbourg
Luc Nijs
Matthieu Poyade
Marco Sacco
Khalil Saleem
Dennis Saluäär
Wolfgang Schafer
Barbara Schiavi
Elena Shliakhovchuk
Vasiliki Stefanouli
Denis Timokhin
Anton Trofimov
Electra Tsaknaki
Carlo Vizzi
Krzysztof Walczak
Gregory Welch
Gabriel Zachmann
Corporate & Institutional Members

Honorary Members

Mirabelle D'Cruz
Experienced Research Director with a demonstrated history of working with UK and European research institutes and industries. Skilled in Research and Development (R&D), stakeholder engagement and requirements analysis and evaluation of interactive technologies. Strong research professional with a Doctor of Philosophy focused in Structured Evaluation of Training in Virtual Environments from University of Nottingham.
LinkedIn -
Philippe Gravez
Working at CEA-List and contributing to the French VR Association (AFRV) board, I am both the contact person for CEA-List and the AFRV representative in the EuroVR Executive Committee. I have been involved in VR for about 15 years in the VR Lab of CEA-List and my current focus is on supporting Industry with innovative technologies.