Organisational Structure
There are three levels of organisation of members within the Association:
The current members of EuroXR, including those currently serving on the Executive Board and Executive Committee, are listed below.
the General Assembly is the ultimate decision-making body of the Association and consists of all the members;
the Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Association and consists of 15 elected members;
the Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association and consists of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.
Executive Board
Patrick Bourdot
Dr. Patrick Bourdot has been President of EuroXR since November 2021. Research Director at CNRS, he founded and co-leads the VENISE team (Virtual & augmented ENvironments for Simulation & Experiments -, the research team in Virtual and Augmented Reality (V&AR) within LISN laboratory at the University of Paris-Saclay (Orsay, France). His main research focuses are: levels of detail, virtual navigation, 3D reconstruction, multimodal and collaborative interactions in V&AR, and the perceptual and cognitive problems of users using such technologies. Regarding the V&AR application fields, he has a particular interests in Design and Engineering, Data mining for Scientific applications, Science education, and Treatment of some behavioral disorders. He has been founding member of the French VR and AR association (AFRV), and EB member (Secretary) of this association the year of its creation (2005). Scientific coordinator of the CNRS Labs in the INTUITION NoE of the FP6-IST (2004-2008), he is Founding member of EuroVR (2008) today renamed EuroXR, and regularly reelected in its EC until now. He is the former Vice-President "Academic issues & Conferences" of EuroXR (March 2016 - Nov. 2021).
Angelos Amditis
Research Director in the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, and a member of its Board of Directors. Founder and Director of the ISENSE Group. ERTICO Chairman. Former President, currently Vice President and one of the founding members of ITS Hellas.
Marco Sacco
Dr. Marco Sacco is Senior Researcher, head of CNR-STIIMA Lecco subsidiary, and head of division Enterprise Engineering and Virtual Applications (25 people). President of EuroXR (European Association of Extended Reality). His experiences are VR/MR/AR applied to the life-cycle of the product/process/factory, discrete event and 3D simulation, Knowledge management, and Semantic Web. He has been the coordinator of European (two of the larger EU projects in FP-VI and FP-VII) and National/Regional projects. He participated as an expert in several boards both EU as well at national/regional level for the evaluation of research and development projects. He has more than 160 publications (82 Scopus certified – H-index 13 and 579 citations), including papers in academic journals and conference proceedings.
Gabriel Zachmann
Dr. Gabriel Zachmann is professor for computer graphics, visual computing, and virtual reality at University of Bremen, Germany, since 2012. Before that, he established and headed the computer graphics group at Clausthal University, Germany, where he was a professor with the computer science department since 2005. Prior to that, he was assistant professor with Prof. Reinhard Klein's computer graphics group at Bonn University, Germany, and head of the research group (Nachwuchsgruppe) for novel interaction methods in virtual prototyping, and head of the research group for novel interaction methods in virtual prototyping, which was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) within the Emmy-Noether programme.
Christoph Runde
With more than 20 years of industry experience, Christoph Runde is one of the pioneers in the field of professional systems and applications of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). After starting his career at Porsche, he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) in 1999, where he led the institute's activities in VR/AR. From 2007 on he developed the Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) to one of the biggest and most successful cluster initiatives for VR/AR in Europe. Under Christoph's leadership, the VDC was decorated with numerous awards. Christoph's expertise is in demand by governmental bodies and VC funds, which he supports as an advisor. In 2017 Christoph was awarded with an honorary professorship by the Heilbronn University.
Jerome Perret
Jerome Perret is the co-founder of the company Haption, and acts as CEO for Haption in both France and Germany. Jerome holds a PhD in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. With a strong technical background in real-time software programming and robotics, he's an international expert in force-feedback for human interaction. Within EuroXR, Jerome has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2009, and was VP for EU issues and collaboration from 2017 to 2021. In November 2021, he took the position of Treasurer.
Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona
Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona is a Telecommunication Engineer (BSc+MSc), Psychologist (BSc+MSc), and PhD by the University of Málaga
Executive Committee
Frédéric Noël
Grenoble Institute of Technology
Kaj Helin
Kaj Helin is a Principal scientist in virtual engineering area and Certified Project Manager. Helin manage the mixed reality facilities in VTT Tampere. Helin has managed several ESA contracts and participated EU and national projects in field of VR/AR. Kaj Helin joined VTT in 1998 and has gained 20+ years of experience in virtual and augmented reality, simulation, safety analysis, ergonomics and usability. Helin is member of following committee.
Tauno Otto
Professor at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) since 2010. Holding a grant for National Chair of Manufacturing Engineering and leading Estonian research roadmap distributed infrastructure Smart Industry Centre. Have been involved as an expert evaluator by European Research Executive Agency in terms of Factories of the Future. Primary research interests areas are related to digitalisation of manufacturing industry (Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, digital twins).
Mariano Alcañiz Raya
Mariano Alcañiz is the founding director of the Immersive Neurotechnologies Laboratory (LabLENI) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Since 1989, his general research interests have hovered around a better understanding and enhancement of human cognition, combining insights and methods from computer science, psychology, and neuroscience. Towards this end, he has been involved in clinical psychology, neurodevelopmental disorders, consumer neuroscience, organizational neuroscience, education, and training projects. He has published more than 350 academic articles, in interdisciplinary journals such as Science, Scientific Reports, and Plos One, as well as domain-specific journals in the fields of communication, computing, education, medicine, management, and psychology. He received the Cybertherapy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012 from the US Interactive Media Institute.
Krzysztof Walczak
Krzystof Walczak is a full professor in computer science and the head of the Department of Information Technology and the VR Research Laboratory at the Poznań University of Economics and Business in Poland. His research interests cover virtual reality and mixed reality systems, multimedia communication, interactive television, and the semantic web. He was coordinating numerous research and industrial projects in these domains. He often serves as an expert for the European Commission, National Science Centre, National Centre of Applied Research, and the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. He has authored or co-authored two books and over 150 research articles published in books, journals, and proceedings of international scientific conferences. He also holds several EU and US patents. He is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the EuroXR Association.
Wolfgang Schäfer
As a senior researcher, Dr. Wolfgang Schäfer explores consumption of and experiences with novel products and services made possible by augmented and virtual realities. His research focuses on phenomena such as branding, co-creation and customer identity through the lens of consumer-culture psychology and theory. Against this background, he supports the development of the interdisciplinary "Service Lab X" at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. He is also a reviewer for various international journals and conferences (ACR, CCTC, FQS, Industrial Marketing Management, etc.). At EuroXR, Wolfgang supports the OpenForum, which promotes knowledge transfer between theory and practice by regular events.
Kayvan Mirza
Kayvan Mirza CEO Has built his career in the US and France. Previously held key positions at Invensys, HP, and Thomson/Technicolor where he successfully set up and ran an optical component business from scratch. He also ran an RF component business two R&D centers (Singapore and Germany), manufacturing in Indonesia (20mpcs/yr), and aworldwide sales force and agent network. He holds a BSEE degree from University of Illinois and has studied Operations Management at the ESCP the oldest business school in Europe.
Jakub Flotyński
Department of Information Technology Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics.