We cordially invite you to contribute and join us at the 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024. The European Association for eXtended Reality (EuroXR) is the ultimate gathering for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). This year, the conference is co-organized by the Institute of Communication and Computer System (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and will take place in Athens, Greece, from November 27th to 29th, 2024.
Engage with leading professionals, researchers, educators, and government officials as we explore the latest technological advancements, software solutions, and real-world applications in the field. This is a unique opportunity to explore the cutting edge of XR innovation, to meet main European stakeholders, as well as the great scientists of the International community in that field.

In addition to the Keynote invited talks and plenary sessions for Scientific track, Application track, and Poster & Demo track in an Exhibition area, we will also welcome this year joint events related to several European projects in progress, and especially the 1st annual meeting of the Alliance4XR ERASMUS+ project, and other special sessions for other sister projects of several HORIZON calls.


ERASMUS2027 Innovation Alliance for XR & Digital Twins

Transforming Learning Experiences: Integrating Extended Reality and Digital Twins in Education & Training

This year, EuroXR 2024 will be held in conjunction with its partner project, Alliance4XR and three other ERASMUS+ projects, featuring a special session titled "Transforming Learning Experiences: Integrating Extended Reality and Digital Twins in Education & Training."

The session will feature presentations on the latest advancements in VR, AR, and MR, and showcase innovative applications of digital twins. Attendees will learn from case studies and pilot projects across Europe, gaining insights into the benefits and challenges of XR technologies in enhancing learning outcomes. The session will also offer networking opportunities, interactive workshops, and panel discussions on curriculum design, teacher training, and ethical considerations, while providing updates on EU initiatives and funding for XR in education.


Pedagogical Alliance for XR-Technology in (Teacher) Education

Digital Twin

Digital Twin on Smart Manufacturing

Metaverse Academy

Addressing the Future Skills on AR/VR/XR Technologies




Technologies related to Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR), collaborative and distributed environments, mobile devices, 3D rendering issues, real-time modeling and simulation, multimodal interaction, use cases.

Human factor issues

User studies and evaluation, presence and cognition, 3D user interfaces and interaction metaphors, self-representation and embodiement, virtual humans, sickness and side effects, realism, validity and fidelity, cost effectiveness and efficiency.


Applications of VR/AR/MR in industry, architecture, manufacturing and engineering, medical and rehabilitation, consumer neuroscience, organizational neuroscience,process and product design, training and education, serious gaming and edutainment.




Committees Chairs

General Chairs 

  • Angelos Amditis, ICCS, Athens, Greece

  • Benjamin C. Lok, University of Florida, USA

  • Xubo Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Application Program Chairs 

  • Despina Michael-Grigoriou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

  • Tina Katika, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece

  • Armin Grasnick IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Domna Banakou, New York University Abu Dhabi

  • Kaj Helin VTT, Finland

  • Jerome Perret Haption, France & Germany

Scientific Program Chairs 

  • Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

  • Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany

  • Monica Bordegoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  • Jian Chen, Ohio State University, USA

  • Giannis Karaseitanidis, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece

  • Alain Pagani, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany

  • Patrick Bourdot, CNRS & University Paris-Saclay, France

Scientific Awards Committes 

  • Benjamin C. Lok University of Florida, USA

  • Ingrid Scholl, University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen

  • Lucio de Paolis, University of Salento

  • Konstantinos Moustakas, University of Patras

Posters & Demos Chairs 

  • Wolfgang Schäfer, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland

  • Electra Tsaknaki, Independent Researcher, Greece

  • Kayvan Mirza, President, Co-founder Optinvent, France

  • Khaled Sarayeddine, CTO, Co-founder Optinvent, France

  • Barbara Schiavi, VINCI Construction

Organization Team 

EuroXR - Patrick Bourdot,  Mónica González, Jerome Perret, Gabriel Zachmann, Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona.

ICCS (Institute of Communication and Computer System) - Angelos Amditis, Ioanna Doutsou, Irini Krimpa, Evangelia Portouli.

International Program Committee

  • Abdo, Sandy Ontario Tech University, Canada

  • Ackermann, Philipp Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

  • Ai, Xiaofei China

  • Alca˜niz, Mariano UPV Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Spain

  • Amano, Toshiyuki Wakayama University, Japan

  • Anastasovitis, Eleftherios Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece

  • Arlati, Sara Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

  • Arvanitis, Gerasimos UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS, Greece

  • Bailly, Charles Immersion, France

  • Bo Jensen, Mark Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  • Bordegoni, Monica Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  • Borsci, Simone University of Twente, Netherlands

  • Botev, Jean University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg

  • Boulanger, Pierre UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, Canada

  • Bourdot, Patrick University Paris-Saclay, CNRS, France

  • Bryson, Kathleen De Montfort University, United Kingdom

  • C Matos, Jose Universidade do Minho, Portugal

  • C. Torres, Sergio

  • Capobianco, Antonio UNISTRA, France

  • CASTET, Julien Immersion, France

  • Cervera-Torres, Sergio Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Spain

  • Chen, Weiya Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

  • China

  • Chen, Jian Ohio State University, United States

  • Clocchiatti, Alessandro Universit`a di Torino, Italy

  • Coltekin, Arzu FHNW, Switzerland

  • Coors, Volker HFT Stuttgart, University of Applied Sciences, Ger-

  • many

  • Courallet, Alexandre Groupe CES, France

  • Dafiotis, Panagiotis AUTh, Greece

  • Dang, Son University of Minho, Portugal

  • Dastan, Mine Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

  • De Antonio, Angelica Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Spain

  • De Bonis, Michele Universit´e Paris-Saclay, France

  • Deshpande, Nikhil University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

  • Dingliana, John Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • Dominguez, Ana Vicomtech, Spain

  • Duval, Thierry IMT Atlantique, France

  • El Khoury, Karim UCLouvain, Belgium

  • Fern´andez-Caballero, A. Universidad de Castilla, Spain

  • Ferrer Hernandez, Manuel

  • Ferrise, Francesco Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  • Fiorentino, Michele Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

  • Floty´nski, Jakub Poznan University, Poland

  • Fluri, Luca FHNW, Switzerland

  • Frincu, Marc UVT, Romania

  • Fuhrmann, Arnulph TH K¨oln, Germany

  • Galvez, Akemi Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

  • Gattullo, Michele Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

  • Gonzalez, Pascual Universidad de Castilla, Spain

  • Gorbunov, Andrey Aviareal, Russia

  • G´orski, Filip Politechnika Pozna´nska, Poland

  • Graf, Holger Fraunhofer IGD, Germany

  • Grasnick, Armin IU International University of Applied Sciences,

  • Germany

  • Grohganz, Christian Weltfern, Germany

  • Gr¨undling, Jan Philipp HAT.tec GmbH, Germany

  • Gr¨unvogel, Stefan TH K¨oln, Germany

  • Gulhane, Devesh

  • Guo, Shufang China

  • Haddawy, Peter Mahidol University, Thailand

  • H¨afner, Polina Karlsruher Institut f¨ur Technologie, Germany

  • Helin, Kaj VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland

  • Hirsch, Sunita HFT Stuttgart, Germany

  • Hoek, Krista LUMC, Netherlands

  • Iglesias, Andres Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

  • Interrante, Victoria University of Minnesota, United States

  • Jalan, Priyansh Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • Johnsen, Kyle UGA, United States

  • Jung, Yvonne Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany

  • Kadlubsky, Alina Open ARCloud, Germany

  • Karaseitanidis, Ioannis ICCS, Greece

  • KASAPAKIS, VLASIOS University of the Aegean, Greece

  • Katika, Tina Institute of Communication and Computer Systems,

  • Greece

  • Kato, Hirokazu NAIST, Japan

  • Kloos, Uwe Hochschule Reutlingen, Germany

  • Knutzen, Kathrin TU Ilmenau, Germany

  • Koukopoulos, Dimitrios University of Patras, Greece

  • Kraakman, Luke

  • Kulzer, Manuel Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Germany

  • Kumarapeli, Dilshani University of Canterbury, New Zealand

  • Kuts, Vladimir Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

  • L, JY China


  • Lamberti, Fabrizio Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  • Laviola, Enricoandrea Politecnico di Bari, Italy

  • Lavoue, Guillaume LIRIS - CNRS, France

  • Leoncini, Paolo CIRA, Italy

  • Li, Xuyu Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • Li´evano Taborda, Carlos University Paris-Saclay, France

  • Lin, Chengyuan Purdue University, United States

  • Llorens, Roberto UPV Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Spain

  • Lok, Benjamin University of Florida, United States

  • Lorenz, Mario TU Dortmund - Maschinenbau, Germany

  • Loth, Nicolas ZHAW, Switzerland

  • Magre, Luz Alejandra Dublin City University, Ireland

  • Makino, Mitsunori Chuo University, Japan

  • Malpica, Sandra Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

  • Manzke, Michael Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • Marin, Gildas Essilor International, France

  • Marji, Narmeen Tampere University, Finland

  • Marques, Bernardo University of Aveiro, Portugal

  • Martinez, Cristina Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

  • Matin, Farzin UCD, Ireland

  • Mavridou, Ifigeneia Tilburg University, Netherlands

  • Mayer, Anjela Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • Medina Galvis, Sergio C. Grenoble INP - UGA, France

  • Mei, Chao Kennesaw State University, United States

  • Mesarosova, Alena Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Spain

  • Mestre, Daniel Aix-Marseille University / CNRS, France

  • Meyer, Georg Liverpool University, United Kingdom

  • Michael-Grigoriou, Despina GET Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

  • Minaskan, Narek DFKI, Germany

  • Minissi, Maria Eleonora Universitat Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

  • MIYATA, KAZUNORI Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,

  • Japan

  • Molina Mass´o, Jos´e PascualUniversidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

  • Molina-Tanco, Luis Universidad de Malaga, Spain

  • Moustakas, Konstantinos University of Patras, Greece

  • Mulvey, Fiona DTU, Denmark

  • Nedel, Luciana Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil

  • Nickel, Peter DGUV, Germany

  • Nikolakopoulou, Vasiliki University of the Aegean, Greece

  • Noël, Fr´ed´eric Grenoble INP, France

  • Olivier, Anne-H´el`ene INRIA, France

  • OUEDRAOGO, Inoussa Universit´e Paris Saclay, France

  • Oztank, Fatih Sabanci University, Turkey

  • Pagani, Alain German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

  • (DFKI), Germany

  • Patane’, Giuseppe IMATI CNR, Italy

  • Perret, Jerome Haption, Germany

  • Perret, Anna

  • Piri, Zeynep Kastamonu ¨Universitesi, T¨urkiye

  • Pittarello, Fabio Universit`a Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italy

  • Plopski, Alexander TU Graz, Austria

  • Poyade, Matthieu Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom

  • Reiners, Dirk

  • Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio Universidad de Malaga, Espa˜na

  • Ricci, Marina Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

  • Riedlinger, Urs Fraunhofer FIT, Germany

  • Ritchie, James Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

  • Sabir, Muhammad

  • Sacco, Marco STIIMA-CNR, Italy

  • San Martin, Jose Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

  • Sardi, Juan

  • Schäfer, Wolfgang ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland

  • Semenkin, Kirill

  • Settgast, Volker Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, Austria

  • Si-Mohammed, Hakim University of Lille, France

  • Soccini, Agata Marta University of Torino, Italy

  • Solheiro, Hermenegildo The University of Tokyo, Japan

  • Stamou, Aikaterini AUTH, Greece

  • Stavrakis, Modestos University of the Aegean, Greece

  • Steinicke, Frank Universit¨at Hamburg, Germany

  • Strugala, Dominik Poznan University, Poland

  • Su, Simon NIST, United States

  • Sun, Bo

  • Sylaiou, Stella International Hellenic University, Greece

  • Sziebig, Gabor SINTEF, Norway

  • Tan, Toni Universit¨at Bremen, Germany

  • Tefera, Yonas Teodros Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy

  • Tehreem, Yusra Bielefeld University, Germany

  • Thalmann, Daniel EPFL, Switzerland

  • Toyoura, Masahiro University of Yamanashi, Japan

  • Tsaknaki, Electra

  • Uckelmann, Dieter HFT Stuttgart, Germany

  • Uva, Antonio Emmanuele Politecnico di Bari, Italy

  • Vezzani, Leonardo Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  • Vilela Monteiro, Diego ESIEA, France

    Vits, Thomas TangibleXR, Germany

    Vlachos, Christoforos University of Patras, Greece

    Vosinakis, Spyros University of the Aegean, Greece

    Walczak, Krzysztof Pozna´n University of Economics and Business,


    Wang, Yu TU Wien, Austria

    Weller, Rene Universit¨at Bremen, Germany

    Xu, Yi OPPO US Research Center, USA

    Yang, Xubo Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

    Yang, Xuanhui China

    Yfantis, Elias CMMI Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute,


    Yumak, Zerrin Utrecht University, Netherlands

    Yusi, Sun University of Hong Kong, China

    Zachmann, Gabriel University of Bremen, Germany

    Zalite-Supe, Zinta University of Latvia, Latvia

    Zhang, Yanxiang University of Science and Technology of China,


    Zhao, Jiayan Wageningen University, Netherlands


TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to:


AR Waveguide technologies

XR system architecture
Collaborative and distributed XR
Augmented Reality and mobile devices
Augmented Virtuality
Novel inpunt devices
Tracking and motion technologies
Advances in display technologies Image-based 3D modeling and rendering
Realistic rendering of dynamic or complex scenes
3D audio rendering and related technologies
Tracking and motion technologies
Advances in display technologiesImage-based 3D modelling and rendering
Realistic rendering of dynamic or complex scenes
3D audio rendering and related technologies
Haptics and force-feedback, algorithms, systems, and devices.
Realtime audio rendering and interfaces
Real-time modelling & simulation
Immersive collaboration: technologies, use cases, management
Immersive analytics: interactions, models, architectures
Artificial intelligence for XR
Virtual humans for XR
Crowd simulations
Teleoperation and telepresence

Human factor issues

Accessibility in XR

Environmental Impact of XR

UI for XR headsets (voice, controllers, rings, etc.)User studies on all topics related to XR
Presence, realism, validity, fidelity
3D user interfaces and/or 3D interaction metaphors
Self-representation and embodiment, avatars, virtual humans
Cybersickness and side effects
Perception and cognition
Cost effectiveness and cost efficiency
Ethical procedures and guidelines
Cybersecurity, data protection and other legal issues


Human-Robot Interaction in XR

Industrial applications
Aerospace and Transport
Construction and Architecture
Manufacturing and Engineering
Consumer neuroscience
Organizational neuroscience
Medicine and Rehabilitation
Product and Process design
Training and Education
Cultural heritage
Creative Practice
Serious Gaming and Edutainment

Scientific Track of EuroXR 2024




  • Scientific paper submission with rebuttal procedure: May 12, 2024

  • Scientific paper submission without rebuttal procedure: June 28, 2024

Call for Contributions

The EuroXR association (www.euroxr.org) would like to cordially invite you to contribute to the 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024.

This conference follows a series of successful international conferences initiated in 2004 by the INTUITION Network of Excellence in Virtual and Augmented Reality, supported by the European Commission until 2008. Embedded within the Joint Virtual Reality Conferences (JVRC) from 2009 to 2013, it was known as the EuroVR international conferences from 2014 and until 2020.

EuroXR 2024 will be hosted and co-organized by the Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS), Athens, Greece. This year, our  International Conference will take place with in-person attendance, so you can expect a rich experience. 

Beside Invited Keynote talks and plenary sessions for Scientific track, Application track, and Poster & Demo track in an Exhibition area, we will also welcome this year joint events related to several European projects in progress, and especially the 1st annual meeting of the Alliance4XR ERASMUS+ project, and other special sessions for some sister projects of several HORIZON calls.


For all conference tracks, we seek original, high-quality contributions in all areas of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, and thus related to Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and 3D User Interfaces. In these areas, submissions may address a wide range topics of interest, as listed in https://www.euroxr.org/topics-euroxr2024. 

Please note that the calls for contributions for each category are not opened at the same time:

  • Scientific track [OPEN NOW]: Papers (Long, Medium, or Short) must describe novel research results, unpublished papers presenting new research, original research questions in new practices or experience, novel insights in XR/VR/AR/MR, or sound states-of-the-art on challenging research questions in that field.
    The accepted papers in this track will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). For your convenience, indexing information of LNCS series is available on this Springer webpage.
    As in previous years, authors of the top papers will get an opportunity to submit an extended version to the journals Computers & Graphics or Frontiers in Virtual Reality.

  • Application track [OPEN NOW]: Extended abstracts, which are meant to describe practical use cases of   XR technologies a

  • Poster track [OPEN NOW]: Posters may present preliminary results or work-in-progress of research or application projects. They are submitted as an extended abstract.

  • Demo track [OPEN NOW]: Demos may accompany any type of submission or may be submitted independently. They are submitted as an extended abstract.

Extended abstracts (2-4 pages) of accepted Application talks, or accepted Posters and Demos will be published in an ISBN-registered proceedings,  edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.


This year, two procedures are possible for Scientific paper submissions, which allow authors to choose between two different deadlines. 

Submissions before the first deadline (May 6) will give access to a reviewing procedure including a rebuttal phase after receiving the initial review reports. This will allow the authors to clarify potential misunderstandings and to resubmit a revised paper before the final decision of the reviewers. 

Alternatively, the authors can choose to submit to the second deadline (June 24), but will not benefit from the advantage provided by the rebuttal procedure.

In both cases, all submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Important Dates (some extended) for the Scientific Track (each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE)

  • Scientific paper submission with rebuttal procedure: May 6  → May 12, 2024

  • 1st notification for papers submitted in the rebuttal procedure: June 17June 21, 2024

  • Deadline for revised papers in the rebuttal procedure: June 24June 28, 2024

  • Scientific paper submission without rebuttal procedure: June 24 June 28, 2024

  • Final notification for all papers (with or without Rebuttal) July 24, 2024

  • Camera-ready (for all tracks): Sep. 16, 2024

  • Conference days:        Nov. 27-29, 2024

Scientific Paper sizes and respective talk durations

Three sizes of papers are possible in the Scientific track (all these sizing are excluding reference section):

  • Long paper: 14-20 pages in the Springer format (about eight pages in traditional two-column format). If accepted, the authors will have about 30 minutes of presentation  (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

  • Medium paper: 8-12 pages in Springer's format. If accepted, the authors will have about 20 minutes of presentation  (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

  • Short paper: 4-6 pages Springer format. This type is meant for work-in-progress, position papers, and similar content. If accepted, the authors will have about 10 minutes of presentation  (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

Please note that indicated paper lengths do not include references.

Please, read carefully the Call for Contributions where the types of contribution and the expected length of the papers are described together with important dates and a description of the reviewing process.

Submissions have to be uploaded to the management system of Springer (EquinOCS) here: Link here

Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published. A manuscript is considered to have been previously published if it has appeared in a peer-reviewed journal, magazine, book or conference proceedings that is reliably and permanently available afterwards in print or electronic form to non-attendees, regardless of the language of that publication. A manuscript identical or substantially similar in content (in its entirety or in part) to one submitted to EuroXR 2024 should not be simultaneously under consideration for another conference or journal during any part of the review process, from the submission deadline until final notifications of decisions are emailed to the authors.

In case of acceptance, scientific papers will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), and at least one author is expected to present the paper in person at the conference.


Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page for the preparation of their papers. For your convenience, Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf

To allow for a double-blind peer reviewing process, please make your submissions fully anonymous (no author names, nor affiliation, only anonymous self-references). Relevant previous work by the authors should be cited in the third person to preserve anonymity. Papers which are not anonymous will be automatically desk-rejected.


Authors of accepted contributions will have to prepare a camera-ready file set. This set is composed of:

  • Camera-ready file (PDF), 

  • Full source files (i.e. Latex file(s) and all the image files, or the full Word file),

  • Online signature of the Springer Consent-to-Publish form. 

  • Videos and other electronic supplementary material, which will be made available in SpringerLink.

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs with their names and affiliations. We also kindly ask all authors to adhere to Springer’s Code of Conduct: https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/book-authors-code-of-conduct.

The corresponding author of each paper must complete and sign a Springer Consent-to-Publish form, acting on behalf of all of the co-authors of the paper. The author signing this form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. After the camera-ready deadline, no changes to the papers can be made.

Thanks to the EquinOCS system, the authors of accepted papers can sign the Springer Consent-to-Publish form online. See detailed instructions here: https://support.springernature.com/en/support/solutions/articles/6000245512-conference-proceeding-authors#6.-Submit-the-Final-version—for-accepted-papers.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Scientific Program Chairs of EuroXR 2024

Submission Guidelines

Application Track of EuroXR 2024

Call for Contributions & Submission Guidelines




  • Short abstract submission deadline: Sept 23,  2024

  • Notification to authors: Oct 3, 2024

  • Camera ready: Oct 10, 2024

  • Conference days: 27 - 29 November 2024

    Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Time Zone Converter)

Submissions should be:

  • Posters and Demos tracks (2-4 pages abstract):

    Posters: recently completed XR applied work, work in progress, or unusual applications or live demonstrations of past and on-going projects.

    Demos: Technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists, and members of the commercial XR communities are all invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications. Researchers also invited to showcase their latest research as a demo, be it fundamental or applied research.

Abstract Formatting

The abstracts are to be submitted in the English language as a PDF file using the Microsoft Word template available here.

Abstract Submission

Only abstracts submitted before the deadline (see Important Dates) via email will be considered for reviewing and publication in the proceedings.

Camera Ready Instructions

Authors whose contribution is accepted are required to submit by email the final version of their abstract and poster print ready PDF files before the Camera Ready deadline (see Important Dates).

  • The final abstract should follow the same format as the initial submission but is the publishable version without any errors.  Please proofread your final abstracts.

  • It your responsibility to print the posters and bring them to the conference before the conference begins.  You can also send your pdf print file of the poster to a local print shop near the venue and pick it up before the conference.

  • The physical poster should be in A0 PORTRAIT format with 600dpi minimum resolution.  A final printable PDF should be submitted before the camera-ready deadline.

    • NB:  Please make sure to set the format to portrait and print settings to 600dpi minimum for the PDF file.

  • Posters are a management summary of your abstract or demo.  They should grab the attention of participants and should be easy to read and understand in a few minutes.  Use large text headings and rich infographics.  Please avoid large blocks of text.  Nobody will take the time to read them!

Authors Commitment

In submitting an abstract the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final version in time for inclusion in the proceedings and will present their contribution at the conference.

They also commit to attend and present at the conference in person (physically) and must pay the conference fees for the whole duration of the conference.

For further information do not hesitate to contact EuroXR 2024 Poster & Demo Tracks Pogram Chairs.

The 21st EuroXR International Conference is taking place 27-29 November 2024 in Athens, Greece.

EuroXR 2024 invites Poster & Demo submissions that address innovative and important topics related to practical use cases of XR technologies. A list with topics of interest can be found here.

All accepted abstracts for Poster & Demo tracks will be published in the Poster & Demo proceedings of EuroXR 2024 as an ISBN-registered volume edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

You can download the flyer with the Call for Contributions for Poster & Demo Tracks from here.


General Chairs 

  • Angelos Amditis, ICCS, Athens, Greece

  • Benjamin C. Lok, University of Florida, USA

  • Xubo Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Posters & Demos Chairs 

  • Wolfgang Schäfer, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland

  • Electra Tsaknaki, Independent Researcher, Greece

  • Kayvan Mirza, President, Co-founder Optinvent, France

  • Khaled Sarayeddine, CTO, Co-founder Optinvent, France

  • Barbara Schiavi, VINCI Construction

Organization Team 

  • EuroXR - Patrick Bourdot,  Mónica González, Jerome Perret, Gabriel Zachmann, Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona.

  • ICCS (Institute of Communication and Computer System) - Angelos Amditis, Ioanna Doutsou, Irini Krimpa.


Poster & Demo tracks of EuroXR 2024

Call & Submission Guidelines




  • Short abstract submission deadline: Sept 23,  2024

  • Notification to authors: Oct 3, 2024

  • Camera ready: Oct 10, 2024

  • Conference days: 27 - 29 November 2024

    Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Time Zone Converter)

The 21st EuroXR International Conference is taking place 27-29 November 2024 in Athens, Greece.

EuroXR 2024 invites Applications submissions that address innovative and important topics related to practical use cases of XR technologies. A list with topics of interest can be found here.

All accepted abstracts for Application track will be published in the Application & Demo proceedings of EuroXR 2024 as an ISBN-registered volume edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

You can download the flyer with the Call for Contributions for Application Track from here.


General Chairs 

  • Angelos Amditis, ICCS, Athens, Greece

  • Benjamin C. Lok, University of Florida, USA

  • Xubo Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Application Program Chairs 

  • Despina Michael-Grigoriou, GET Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

  • Tina Katika, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece

  • Armin Grasnick, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Domna Banakou, New York University Abu Dhabi

  • Kaj Helin, VTT, Finland

  • Jerome Perret, Haption, France & Germany

Organization Team 

  • EuroXR - Patrick Bourdot,  Mónica González, Jerome Perret, Gabriel Zachmann, Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona.

  • ICCS (Institute of Communication and Computer System) - Angelos Amditis, Ioanna Doutsou, Irini Krimpa.


Applications submissions should be:

  • Short Abstracts (2 to 4 pages) including references, figures, tables, and an appendix. The abstract should address best practices, practical use cases of XR, project results of applications using such technologies in industry and other sectors, actual or potential transfers of academic results, and position papers.

Abstract Formatting

The abstracts are to be submitted in the English language as a PDF file using the Microsoft Word template available here. The number of pages is indicative.

Abstract Submission

Only abstracts submitted before the deadline (see Important Dates) via our Submission system will be considered for reviewing and publication in the proceedings.

Camera Ready Instructions

Authors whose contribution is accepted are required to upload the final version of their abstract on the submission system as a source file (Microsoft Word DOCX), before the Camera Ready deadline (see Important Dates).

Conference Management System - Submission System

For all categories of the Application track, submissions will be managed by the CMT a Conference Management System, which can be found here. After registering at the system, you may find our submission page with the conference name: 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024 [Applications Track].

Authors Commitment

In submitting an abstract the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final version in time for inclusion in the proceedings and will present their contribution at the conference.

They also commit to attend and present at the conference in person (physically) and must pay the conference fees for the whole duration of the conference.

For further information do not hesitate to contact EuroXR 2024 Application Program Chairs.


EuroXR 2024 (Athens) - Preliminary Program Overview
Local Time 1st Day - Wednesday Nov. 27, 2024 2nd Day - Thursday Nov. 28, 2024
3rd Day - Friday Nov. 29, 2024
08:00 - 09:00 Welcoming of the attendees
(Registration, Poster & Demo installation, Coffee)
Zeus 3
EuroXR Ordinary General Meeting
Zeus 3
Meetings of the Award Committees
09:00 - 09:30 Zeus 1
Opening session

Zeus 1
Scientific session 3
Rendering and Visualization
Chair: Alain Pagani

Zeus 1
Scientific session 5
Education and Training
Chair: Rachel Farrell

Zeus 2
Application session 5
Chair: Tina Katika
09:30 - 10:30 Zeus 1
1st Keynote Speaker
Dr. Monica Arés (Executive Director of the IDEA Lab at Imperial, UK)
Revolutionizing Learning: Adaptive Intelligence
in Human-Centered Ecosystems
Chair: Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona
Zeus 2
Application session 3
Chair: Jerome Perret
10:30 - 11:00 Zeus 1
EuroXR Poster/Demo fast forward session (1h)
Coffee break & Poster/Demo session Coffee break & Poster/Demo session
11:00 - 11:30 Zeus 1
3rd Keynote Speaker
Pr. Bejamin C. Lok (University of Florida, USA)
Measuring What Matters: Lessons Learned from Taking Virtual Patients
from Research to Realization
Chair: Patrick Bourdot
Zeus 1
4th Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jeremy Dalton (PwC, UK & USA)
The Post-Metaverse Era: Navigating the Future of XR Technology
Chair: Christoph Runde
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break & Poster/Demo session
12:00 - 13:00 Zeus1
Scientific session 1
Designing Experiences
Chair: Monica Bordegoni
(1h + 10 min, ends: 13:10)
Zeus 2
Application session 1
Chair: Domna Banakou
Zeus 3
Internal Meeting
Zeus 1
Scientific session 4
Interations Techniques
Chair: Giussepe Amato
(1h + 10 min, end: 13:10)
Zeus 2
Application session 4
Chair: Kaj Helin
Zeus 1
European Projects
Panel on "Future of XR"
Chair: Marco Sacco
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Time (50 min for Scientific Track) Lunch time (50 min for Scientific track) Zeus 1
Closing & Awards ceremony
14:00 - 14:30 Zeus 1
2nd Keynote Speaker
Pr. Armin Grasnick (IU Internationale Hochschule, Germany)
Beyond the Headset: Autostereoscopy as a Window
into the Metaverse
Chair: Krzysztof Walczak
Zeus 3
Internal meeting

Zeus 1
European Projects Pitches
Open to all Conference attendees

Lunch time
14:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break & Poster/Demo session
15:30 - 16:00 Zeus 1
Scientific session 2
Human Factors
Chair: Franziska Klimant
Zeus 2
Application session2
Chair: Despina Michael-Gricoriou
Zeus 3
Internal meeting
Coffee break & Poster/Demo session
16:00 - 16:30
Zeus 1

Transforming Learning Experiences: IntegratingeXtended Reality
& Digital Twins in Education
and Trainning

ERASMUS2027 Alliance for XR & Digital Twins

Zeus 2
Next Generation XR
Technical highlight - 1
(6 x15 min. presentation)
Open to all conference attendees
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30

Virtual Lab Tour: ICCS XR presentation & demonstration
Presentations and demos on "Human/robot collaboration(simulations&demos)"and "Assesing Key Drivers affecting sustainability habits and behaviour"
Zeus 3

Internal meeting
17:30 - 18:00 Zeus 2
Next Generation XRTechnical highlight - 2
(6X10 mins)
Open to all conference atendees
18:00 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:30
Free time
Alliance4XR Dinner
Conference Gala Dinner
20:00 - 23:00

Virtual Lab Tour: ICCS XR presentation and demonstation (replacing the "Koropi Lab visit")

Presentations and Demos on 'Human/robot collaboration (simulations&demos)’ and 'Assessing key drivers affecting sustainability habits and behavior’.

Koropi Lab visit canceled (replaced by the "ICCS Presentation & Demo special session")

We regret to inform you that, due to unforeseen circumstances, ICCS must cancel the planned visit to Koropi's lab. Unfortunately, a recent accident caused significant damage to the lab's safety equipment. As safety is their utmost priority, they believe it is best to avoid any risks and have decided not to proceed with the visit at this time. This incident was entirely unforeseen, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.

To ensure the continuity of our plans, ICCS has arranged for engaging demo presentations to take place at the original venue (starting at 17.00).

Presentations and Demos on 'Human/robot collaboration (simulations&demos)’ and 'Assessing key drivers affecting sustainability habits and behavior’.

Keynote Speakers

Monica Arés

Executive Director of the IDEA Lab at Imperial, UK

Revolutionizing Learning: Adaptive Intelligence in Human-Centered Ecosystems

What if learning could evolve as rapidly as the technologies reshaping our world? This talk explores the creation of adaptive, human-centered learning ecosystems that merge cutting-edge technology with new opportunities in intelligence. Discover how AI-driven simulations, immersive XR experiences, and adaptive content are revolutionizing education—making learning more personalized, engaging, and impactful while equipping future leaders with the skills needed for an evolving digital landscape. 
Central to this transformation is cross-sector collaboration. We’ll dive into how tech companies, research institutions, and startups are driving this educational revolution through strategic partnerships. Join us to challenge conventional paradigms, unlock new possibilities, and collectively shape the future of learning by redefining what’s possible in education.

Bio: Monica is a leading expert in innovation and immersive technology, whose roles across technology and education solidify her as a leader in the global technological landscape. Her pioneering work in building new tools with XR and AI technology has made strides in fostering lifelong learning, curiosity, and the quest for innovation with the goal of increasing access to education and transforming the way we learn. As the former Head of Immersive Learning at Meta and a visionary leader on Interactive Learning Labs at Amazon, Monica has become a seminal figure in the field of immersive education.
Named among the Top 100 Global Women of the Future in Emerging Tech, Monica’s influence resonates globally. As an advisor and Chief Innovation Officer for startups and Founder of Th3 Third Door, she has formulated and executed innovative tech solutions that reimagine the future of work and learning. 
As the Executive Director of the IDEA Lab at Imperial, Monica is defining the vision for the future of learning while leading an expert team through the development and growth of new solutions for the rapidly evolving industry. In its scale, scope, and complexity, this transformation of technology will be unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Monica’s leadership embodies an inspiring journey towards a future where the convergence of technology and humanity will unlock revolutionary tools to solve some of our biggest challenges.

Pr. Armin Grasnick

IU Internationale Hochschule, Germany

Beyond the Headset: Auto-stereoscopy as a Window into the Metaverse

One of the barriers for anyone to enjoy the metaverse is the reliance on VR headsets. Autostereoscopic technologies offer a promising pathway to immersive 3D experiences without the need for wearable devices. To define the degree of immersion achievable through autostereoscopy, we will differentiate between full (global) and partial (local) immersion. We examine key methods such as integral photography, multiview displays, and holography, investigating which technologies hold the most potential to enable immersive visits to the Metaverse while eliminating the headset.

Bio: Armin Grasnick is Professor of Augmented & Virtual Reality at IU International University of Applied Sciences. With a background in technical optics, he has founded a few companies focused on 3D/VR technologies. Prof. Grasnick holds a PhD in autostereoscopic displays from FernUniversität Hagen and brings experience in high-performance lens design and 3D display development to his current role.

Pr. Benjamin C. Lok

University of Florida, USA

Measuring What Matters: Lessons Learned from Taking Virtual Patients from Research to Realization

Did you know you’ve likely been seen by a nurse that has been trained using virtual patients to improve their critical thinking and communication skills? In this talk, we will discuss the process of how the idea of talking with a virtual human to improve communication skills with real people progressed from conceptualization to realization. We will explore key findings in how people react to virtual humans as well as lessons learned from creating the company Shadow Health. Shadow Health brought virtual human patients into curricula at thousands of universities and colleges. Finally, I will use the experience of getting virtual patients to impact our lives to motivate everyone to continually reevaluate how we measure our progress and impact of our research and our careers. The goal of this talk is to provide the audience insights into transdisciplinary collaboration, developing an entrepreneurial mindset, and a metacognitive reassessment of where we are in our research careers.

Bio: Benjamin Lok is a Professor in the Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering Department at the University of Florida and entrepreneur, having previously co-founded Shadow Health (now a part of Elsevier). Professor Lok's research focuses on using virtual humans and mixed reality to train communication skills within the areas of virtual environments, human-computer interaction, and computer graphics. Professor Lok received a Ph. D. in 2002 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ​Professor Lok is an inaugural inductee of the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy, the 2019 UF Innovator of the Year Award, and received an NSF Career Award (2007-2012).

Jeremy Dalton


The Post-Metaverse Era: Navigating the Future of XR Technology

In this talk, we explore the evolving landscape of XR as it moves beyond the initial excitement of the metaverse. The focus will be on analysing current trends and use cases of the technology globally to understand where the true value sits, the challenges that industries face in adopting these technologies, and practical strategies to drive successful implementation. By combining research from PwC and real-world case studies, attendees will leave with actionable insights to navigate XR's post-metaverse future.

Bio: Jeremy leads PwC’s Immersive Technologies team bringing over a decade of experience in building and deploying XR solutions. His clients have included the Fortune 500, government entities, NGOs and startups across a wide range of industries. He has commissioned reports which have been cited worldwide, produced XR applications that have been deployed in the thousands, and published books which are being used by businesses and universities all over the world. His work is regularly featured in The Financial Times, The Economist, and other media outlets.  

Session Chair: Monika Bordegoni

Designing Experiences
Session 1
12:00 -13:00
A fully immersive dual-task using a smartphone while walking in a
virtual reality environmentç

Gildas Marin, No´elie Berjaud, Jeremy Julien, Marc Le Renard,
Delphine Bernardin
User Experience Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Museum
Installation for Historic Sailing Ships

Spyros Vosinakis, George Anastassakis, Panayiotis Koutsabasis,
Kostas Damianidis
Embodied Acts for Testing Mixed Reality Low-Fidelity Prototypes that
Convey Intangible Cultural Heritage: Method and Case Study

Vasiliki Nikolakopoulou, Spyros Vosinakis, Modestos Stavrakis,
Panayiotis Koutsabasis
Session Chair: Franziska Klimant

Human Factors

Session 2
15:30 - 17:00
Impact of Acceleration and Angle in the Real Environment on Virtual
Reality Motion Sickness

Yanxiang Zhang, Yuxiao Wang
Study on the Influence of the total front HMI Size in Intelligent Cabins
on the Drivers’ Eye Movement Behavior

Yuxiao Wang, Yanxiang Zhang
Contrast and Hue in Depth Perception for Virtual Reality: An
Experimental Study

Sun Yusi, Yong Hong Kuo, Leith K.Y. Chan
2nd Day - Thursday Nov. 28, 2024
Session Chair: Alain Pagani

Rendering and Visualization

Session 3
9:00 - 10:30
Context-based Annotation Visualisation in Virtual Reality: A Use Case
in Archaeological Data Exploration

Michele De Bonis, Huyen Nguyen, Patrick Bourdot
3-2-3 Multi-AI Segmentation Framework: LoD-based, Incremental
Segmentation of 3D Scan Data Using Any 2D AI

Hermenegildo Solheiro, Keisuke Toyoda, Lee Kent
Enhancing Materiality in Adaptive BRDF Display with Light Ray

Toshiyuki Amano, Sho Nishida
Session Chair: Giuseppe Amato

Interaction Techniques

Session 4
12:00 - 13:00
A Tangible Interface for Creating Virtual Cutaways in Mixed Reality

Xuyu Li, Priyansh Jalan, John Dingliana
MarkAR: Exploring the Benefits of Combining Microgestures and
Mid-Air Marks to Trigger Commands in Augmented Reality

Charles Bailly, Lucas Pometti, Julien CASTET
Visual Search in People with Macular Degeneration: A Virtual Reality
Eye-Tracking Study

Theofilos Kempapidis, Ifigeneia Mavridou, Ellen Seiss, Asharee
Green, Claire L. Castle, Daisy Bradwell, Filip Panchevski, SophiaCox, Renata S.M. Gomes
3rd Day - Friday Nov. 29, 2024
Session Chair: Rachel Farrell

Education and Training

Session 5
9:00 - 10:30
Engagement and Attention in eXtended Reality for Learning: A
Systematic Literature Review

Carlos Li´evano Taborda, Huyen Nguyen, Patrick Bourdot
Exploring Students’ Acceptance of Augmented Reality Technologies in
Education: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Approach

Farzin Matin, Eleni Mangina
A Hybrid Collaboration Design for a Large Scale Virtual Reality
Training Environment to Fulfil the Belongingness Needs of Maslow’sTheory

Yusra Tehreem, Thies Pfeiffer, Sven Wachsmuth
1st Day - Wednesday Nov. 27, 2024
Education, Cognition, Creativity and Well-Being (Part A)
Session Chair: Domna Banakou
12:00 - 12:15 Virtual Reality as a new frontier for professional teacher training:
the VRTEACHER application
Kalliopi Evangelia Stavroulia,Christos Kyrlitsias, Lefteris Ioannou
Giannis Georgiou, Despina Michael-Grigoriou, Andreas Lanitis
12:15 - 12:30 Quantum Quadrant: Could We Use XR and AI Together in Education?
Or Rather, Should We?
Yücel Uzun, Andoni Retegui Schiettekatte, Suhana Biswas, Florian Buchholz
12:30 - 12:45 Cognitive Load in Mixed Reality: Task Order and Prior Experience
in Eye-Tracking
Paula López, Ana M. Bernardos,José Casar
12:45 - 13:00 Bridging Realities: A Gap Analysis of XR Integration in
Education and Training for Sustainable Future Skills
Electra Tsaknaki, Anders Östman, Konstantinos Smagas,
Marco Sacco, Patrick Bourdot
Education, Cognition, Creativity and Well-Being (Part B)
Session Chair: Despina Michael-Grigoriou
15:30 - 15:45 NoFold: Bridging the Physical and Digital in Board Game Creation Christos Lougiakis, Lori Kougioumtzian, Giorgos Ganias, Anastasios Niarchos
15:45 - 16:00 Real time facial capture and animation to explore
the controls neurodiverse people need for their avatars
Georg Meyer, Simon Campion, Radoslav Dorociak
16:00 - 16:15 Using Augmented Reality and Machine Learning for Captioning in
Theatrical Experiences
Olga Chatzifoti, Nick Achilleopoulos, Spiros Borotis, Moonisa Ahsan, Eleni Oikonomou
16:15 - 16:30 The VESPA 2.0 System: a new frontier of Rehabilitation Emanuele Maria Merlo, Angelo Belfiore, Gian Paolo Donnarumma, Marco Salvatore Carmelo Falciglia,
Francesco Generali, Salvatore Marco Pappalardo
2nd Day - Thursday Nov. 28, 2024
XR in Industry (Part A)
Session Chair: Jerome Perret
9:30 - 9:45 Building Point Cloud-Based Shared Virtual Spaces for
Industrial Use Cases
Jaakko Karjalainen, Petri T Tikka, Taru Hakanen, Kaj Helin, Johannes Peltola
9:45 - 10:00 The Mixed Reality System for Operation, AIT/AIV Support and Reporting
in the Space Domain
Kaj Helin, Jaakko Karjalainen, Paul Kiernan, Gianluca Casarosa
10:00 - 10:15 From Stress to Success: Evaluation of an Accessible VR Environment
for Product Engineering
Annegret Melzer, Philipp Stiens, Samuel Korb, Franziska Klimant, Martin Dix
10:15 - 10:30 A Mixed Reality Eye-Tracking Study on Visual Influences in Dietary Choices Nikos Dimitrios Tantaroudas, Kostas Koukoudis,Tina Katika, Giannis Karaseitanidis,
Angelos Amditis
XR in Industry (Part B)
Session Chair: Kaj Helin
12:00 - 12:15 Augmented telecommunication in factory setting Narek Minaskan, Bastian Krayer, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricke
12:15 - 12:30 XR technologies in the engineering sector – A gap analysis Anders Östman, Electra Tsaknaki, Patrick Bourdot, Son Dang, Aikaterini Stamou, Vasilis Petrou
12:30 - 12 :45 XR-based Human-Robot Collaboration along a Conveyor Picking Line Kostas Naskou
12:45 - 13:00 Power to the operators: Transdisciplinary co-design of XR applications
in off-highway vehicle work domains
Manuel Kulzer, Tanja Brodbeck, Michael Burmester
3rd Day - Friday Nov. 29, 2024
Interactivity, XR Assistants, Collaboration & Metaverse
Session Chair: Tina Katika
9:00 - 9:15 Comparison of Metaverse Strategies Worldwide Christoph P. Runde,
9:15 - 9:30 LLM-Driven Human-Robot Interaction in eXtended Reality Kaj Helin, Vladimir Goriachev, Petri T Tikka, Andrea Alesani, Jaakko Karjalainen
9:30 - 9:45 AR Assistant for Pruning of Grapevines and Fruit Trees Mariia Podguzova, Simon Haering, Jamiu Ojeleye, Stephan Krauss, Didier Stricker
9:45 - 10:00 A Simple but Effective AR Framework for Human-Object Interaction Hong Son Nguyen, Andrew Chalmers, DaEun Cheong, MyoungGon Kim, Taehyun Rhee, JungHyun Han
10:00 - 10:15 CoVA : A Virtual Assistant for Virtual Reality Conferencing Alexis Lombard, Gaël de Chalendar, Galo Castillo Lopez, Yazid Benazzouz,
Jean Pierre Lorré
“VoirVR”: A Comfortable, (A-) Synchronous Collaborative VR Tool for Product Engineering
Philipp Stiens, Samuel Korb, Annegret Melzer, Franziska Klimant, Martin Dix
Pneumatics-Case: Enhancing Learning through Augmented Reality and Digital Twin Technology Rostyslav Boychuk, Ivan Symotiuk, Daniil Rõbnikov, Vladimir Kuts, Kashif Mahmood,
Simone Luca Pizzagalli, Tauno Otto
Extended Reality simulator to evaluate remote control interactions for reach stackers Andrea Alesani, Kaj Helin, Vladimir Goriachev, Timo Kuula
Industrial remote cooperation Bastian Krayer, Narek Minaskan, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker
The XR4ED Intelligent XR Tutor Fotis Liarokapis
Haptic Directional Awareness in Virtual Reality Jean Botev, Emanuel Dias da Silva, Ningyuan Sun
An Open-Source Authoring Solution for Cultural Heritage Augmented Reality Applications Mathis Bodin, Jean-Philippe Farrugia, Fabrice Jaillet, Bruno Tellez
5D/3D Virtual Reality for an effective Cognitive Rehabilitation: the VESPA 2.0 Project Emanuele Maria Merlo, Salvatore Marco Pappalardo
UnityMol-Lite: Cross-platform Collaboration and Interactive Methods for Molecular Modeling in XR Mariano Spivak, Bastien Vincke, Hubert Santuz, Jérôme Henin, Antoine Taly,
Marc Baaden and Nicolas Ferey
XR4Human: The Equitable, Inclusive, and Human-Centered XR Project Panagiotis, Kavouras & Vana, Stavridi
LordofChange: A Haptic Sliding Controller with Changeable Tactile Textures Hongrun Wang, Tianrui Hu, Yuze Gao, Wenjun Hou
The Unfaithful Copy: Performed AI ‘Personhood’ in Mixed Reality Platforms Kathleen Bryson, Jessica Sutherland, Kathleen Richardson
A pilot experiment on user individualization for sound localization within interactive virtual environments Daniel Gonzalez-Toledo, Pablo Gutierrez-Parera, Carmen Soto-Romero, Maria Cuevas-Rodriguez and Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona
Evaluation of content for the integration and education of virtual and augmented reality
in the field of additive manufacturing
Torsten Döhler, Moritz Heinrich, Christopher Kracht, Klarissa Koppusch, Fabian Grund, Frank Briesemeister,
Eckart Wolf, Andreas Foitzik, Rene Krenz-Baath, Andrea Böhme
Towards User-Centered XR Solutions for Smart Agriculture: A Work-in-Progress Design Approach Alexandra Plexousaki, Asterios Leonidis, Maria Korozi, and Constantine Stephanidis
AR-enabled digital twin framework for automated shotcrete planning and operation Rehan Khan, Christian Martinez, Mohith Sunkara, and Rahul Tomar
Enhancing XR Accessibility: Automated Lip Reading and Captioning with Audio-Visual Speech
Recognition Integration in Augmented Reality
Hrishikesh Mulay, Sam Redfern, Eleni Mangina
Psychometric Properties of the Greek Versions of VIMSSQ, FMS, and SSQ for Assessing Cybersickness Vasiliki Stefanouli, Dimitrios Diamantis, Eirini Cholopoulou, Chrysoula Lazou, Asimakis Kanellopoulos,
Dimitris Iakovidis, Nikolaos Strimpakos
eXtended Reality Content Prototyping Through On-Device Solutions: An experimental platform
based on Google’s MediaPipe Face-Tracking and Unity
Stavroula Zoi, George Caridakis
Dynamic City-Scale Digital Twins for Extended Reality Tariqul Islam, Jyothi Pudota, and Rahul Tomar
Voice-based Interactions in Immersive Applications – Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of User Experience Olga Chatzifoti, Maria Roussou
Impact of group synchrony, postural stability and agency on cybersickness symptoms Julia Ayache, Camille Pistre, Pierre Jean, Anna Katharina Hebborn,
Didier Stricker, Benoît G. Bardy
Concept for a short-term training program to introduce the process of additive manufacturing
in the space of Extended Reality (xR)
Moritz Heinrich, Torsten Döhler, Christopher Kracht, Klarissa Koppusch, Fabian Grund, Frank Briesemeister,
Eckart Wolf, Andreas Foitzik, Rene Krenz-Baath, Andrea Böhme
A multimodal AR System: Enhancing Hiking
Leyi Hong, Wenjun Hou, Qian Li, Meiyu Lv
Immersive Cocooning – Competition between Control and Convenience Wolfgang G. SCHÄFER, Gioia VOLKMAR
Architecture proposal of a VR operating procedure system for construction training based on BIM and QHSE rules Barbara SCHIAVI, Vincent HAVARD, Karim BEDDIAR and David BAUDRY
Beyond human imagination: The art of creating prompt-driven 3D scenes with Generative AI Giulio Federico, Fabio Carrara, Giuseppe Amato, Marco Di Benedetto
WebAR for Construction Visualization Urs Riedlinger
Augmenting controls for tracked vehicles with force and tactile feedback: a work in progress Thomas Howard, Benjamin Geslot, Jérôme Perret
Ethical impact of Artificial Intelligence in Extended Reality Irma Põder
Exploring Boundary Visualization in AR for Co-located Collaborative Workspace Management Inoussa OUEDRAOGO, Huyen Nguyen, Patrick Bourdot
AI-Augmented Mixed Reality for Hand Motion Assistance: Bridging the Gap in Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation Xinjun Li, Zhenhong Lei
Integrating XR Technologies into Education: Bridging the Gap Between Educators & Developers Karoline Wirbatz
More Than One Milan”: Multisensory Experience with an Olfactory Map Application Lai Pin Jia, Marco Rossoni, Marina Carulli, Monica Bordegoni
Integrating Extended Reality (XR) in Teaching Sustainability: A Qualitative
Study with Student Teachers across the Disciplines of STEM, Humanities and
Dr Rachel Farrell, Dr Eileen Bowman & Marelle Rice
XR and haptic feedback for electrician training: Ferrexpo case study Maryna Tymchenko
In- and outside Hololens 2 AR application for visualization of architecture 3D project data Lukas Koch, Christian Carlhoff, Gerhard Wittfeld, Ingrid Scholl


DAY 2: 28 November 14:00 - 15:30

Next Generation XR Pitches

  • Luminous (Zeshan AFZAL, DFKI)

  • Cortex2 (Alain PAGANI, DFKI)

  • ShareSpace (Michael LORENZ, DFKI)

  • THEIA-XR (Martijn ROOKER, TTControl GmbH)

  • Didymos-XR (Konstantinos MOUSTAKAS, University of Patras)

  • SUN-XR (Giuseppe AMATO, CNR)

ERASMUS2027 Innovation Alliance for XR & Digital Twins Pitches

  • Addressing Emerging Needs: The Innovation Alliance for Integrating Extended Reality Skills in Higher Education and Vocational Training (Project: Alliance4XR) - Konstantinos Smagas, GEOIMAGING, Cyprus.

  • Empowering Educators for the Future: The Pedagogical Alliance for XR Technologies in Teacher Education (Project: PAX) - Frauke Matz & Karoline Wirbatz, University of Münster, Germany.

  • Addressing the Future Skills on AR/VR/XR Technologies - Goktas Talha (Project: Mataverse Academic), BEBKA, Türkiye.

  • Enhancing Smart Manufacturing Performance and sustainability with Digital Twin Technology (Project: Digital Twin) - Stefano Antona ,APRO FORMAZIONE, Italy.


ERASMUS2027 Innovation Alliance for XR & Digital Twins

DAY 2: 28 November 16:00 - 19:00

Transforming Learning Experiences: Integrating Extended Reality and Digital Twins in Education & Training


Pedagogical Alliance for XR-Technology in (Teacher) Education

Talk: Addressing the Future Skills on AR/VR/XR Technologies by Goktas Talha - BEBKA, Türkiye


Innovation alliance to infuse Extended Reality skills into Higher education and vocational training

Talk: Addressing Emerging Needs: The Innovation Alliance for Integrating Extended Reality Skills in Higher Education and Vocational Training, Konstantinos Smagas - GEOIMAGING, Cyprus


Addressing the Future Skills on AR/VR/XR Technologies

Talk: Enhancing Smart Manufacturing Performance and sustainability with Digital Twin Technology by Stefano Antona -APRO FORMAZIONE, Italy

Talk: Empowering Educators for the Future: The Pedagogical Alliance for XR Technologies in Teacher Education by Frauke Matz & Karoline Wirbatz - University of Münster, Germany


Digital Twin on Smart Manufacturing


Next Generation XR

DAY 2: 28 November 16:00 - 19:00

Talk 3: "Mobile Motion Capturing with Sparse Sensors" - Michael Lorenz

Talk 9: "Synchronisation and Social Connectedness in XR"(University Montpellier, Benoit Bardy)

Luminous: Capturing, Describing And Extending Reality Using Language Modeling

CORTEX2: Cooperation made easy with extended reality

Talk 2: "CoVA, the Cortex² Virtual Assistant for multiparty conversations" - Gael de Chalendar, CEA

Talk 8: "Geometry-guided GAN for Face Animation" - Alain Pagani, DFKI

Bring XR to a radically new level of presence and sociality

Talk 1: "LLM-based scenario generation in XR" (DFKI, Zeshan Afzal)

Talk 7: "Introducing Avatars and LLMs for Virtual Safety Training"

THEIA-XR: Making the invisible visible for off-highway machinery by conveying eXtended Reality technologies

Talk 4: "Spatial Augmented Reality in Snow Grooming" - Thomas Kernbauer (TU Graz)

Talk 10: "Extended reality human-machine interfaces for the digital construction site" - Sebastian Lorenz (TU Dresden)

Digital, DYnaMic and respOnsible twinS for XR

Talk 5: “Localization methods based on visual and non-visual sensor data for Digital Twin Model” - Rahul Tomar (Digital Twin Technologies)

Talk 11: "Advancing High Accuracy Localization with NeRF-based Techniques"- Panos K. Papadopoulos (CERTH)

Social and hUma, ceNtered XR

Talk 6: "Generative AI for 3D scene reconstruction in SUN” - Giulio Federico (CNR-ISTI, UNIPI)

Talk 12: "Multi-Sensory Perception in XR: Ιnsights from CG Rendering, XR Interaction and Haptics” - Froso Sarri, George Ramiotis (TUC)

Scientific Proceedings

EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference

Application, Poster & Demo Proceedings

EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference


21 st EuroXR International Conference in Athens
EARLY REGISTRATION (Ends October 10th, 2024)
Ticket Type Student & Start up EuroXR Members
Corporate Members
Joint Event
Full Registration 1 day EURO 200 EURO 200 EURO 200
Full Registration 3 days EURO 250 EURO 320 EURO 400
Ticket Type Student & Start up EuroXR Members
Joint Event
Full Registration 1 day EURO 250 EURO 250 EURO 250
Full Registration 3 days EURO 350 EURO 420 EURO 500

● More info on Conference Side Events, Gala Dinner, Lab Visits etc will be announced soon.

● Full registration includes attendance of all conference sessions (Plenary sessions, Posters, Demos and Exhibitions, Open Special sessions), coffee breaks, lunch each day and lab visits.

● Students should be less than 30 years. Start-ups need to be new companies formed in the last 3 years.

One day registration does not include access to the Conference Proceedings (by Springer)


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    Aegean Solutions SA

    Aegean Solutions SA is a company highly specialized in the application of Information Systems in the field of Culture, Tourism and the Environment, as well as in Innovation and Regional Development actions. Our goal is to provide integrated IT solutions for our client organizations and to provide consulting services and appropriate technological solutions to maximize the benefit of our clients and the comprehensive visibility of their content and actions. Headquartered in Heraklion, Crete, Aegean Solutions S.A. has three more offices in Mytilini, Thessaloniki and Athens.

  • https://cibos.gr/


    CIBOS driving force is technology and business innovation. All its products are based on cutting edge technologies, ranging from AR solutions, that aim to revolutionise logistics and skills training, through to DLT for automotive and the smart mobility sectors. 

    CIBOS hand-picked products have been dictated by actual business and market needs. In many cases, they were co-designed with private and public actors that wish to invest in such solutions. All products are scalable by design, with small start-up costs for the client, and with a flexible business model, tailored to the client’s growth, needs and strategy.


    Fournos Lab is a research and creative laboratory of the Multidynamic Communication Network "Fournos". Founder and responsible is Manthos Santorineos, professor emeritus of the Athens School of Fine Arts (Multimedia Hypermedia Lab, Greek French Master “Art and Virtual Reality”, ASFA, University of Paris-8)

    Fournos was a pioneer in promoting the combination of Art and Technology when this adventure began in the 1980s.  It developed the dialogue between scientists and artists, placing great emphasis on storytelling and how, through technological interfaces, it contributes to the human-machine dialogue. It closely follows all technological developments and participates in conferences and complex artistic projects. It founded the Mediaterra Festival and Conference in 1999, which presented significant digital technology works in Greece for the first time. Its most recent events have taken place in an iconic venue it manages, an old arthouse cinema, Alphaville.

  • Geoanalysis S.A

    Geoanalysis S.A. was founded in 1988 and is one of the largest and most dynamic companies in surveying engineering and geoinformation technology in Greece, always investing in innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies. The company’s headquarters are in Thessaloniki and it has regional offices in Athens and Kozani. Geoanalysis S.A. has been providing quality-controlled, certified solutions since 1997 under international standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 22301:2015, ISO 37001:2017 and ISO 45001:2018.

    Geoanalysis S.A. serves both public and private sectors in various fields of the geospatial industry, including cadastre, mapping, road design & transport studies, photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning, environmental studies, geoinformatics, and digital transformation projects for cultural heritage, document management and construction. Furthermore, it has a dedicated Research & Development department focused on innovative techniques for geospatial data acquisition, 3D modelling and digital culture.

    In recent years, Geoanalysis S.A. has expanded its focus on integrating geospatial data and 3D models into VR/AR applications, enhancing immersive experiences in urban 3D digital twins, cultural heritage documentation and BIM projects.

    For more information visit our website at www.geoanalysis.gr or follow us on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/geoanalysis-sa.

  • https://i-sense.iccs.gr/ 

    I-SENSE Group

    I-SENSE Group is one of the Research Units of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National University of Athens in Greece (NTUA). Founded in 2002, I-SENSE Research Group is committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and research innovation in the field of electrical, electronic and computer engineering & technologies.

  • https://joistpark.eu/en/

    JOIST Innovation Park

    JOIST Innovation Park creates new ways for innovation to reach individuals and businesses of diverse backgrounds and goals. It ensures that its community is empowered, and its unique ideas grow and thrive. 

    It enhances knowledge distribution, boosts entrepreneurial spirit, establishes collaborative networks, and offers inclusive working practices. It is the port of call for academic institutions, enterprises, business-minded individuals, innovation enthusiasts, startuppers, and anyone interested in developing, testing, and learning new things.

  • ICCS

    Founded in 1989, ICCS is an independent, non-profit research organization dedicated to advancing the values, mission, and strategic goals of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Over the years, ICCS has exemplified the University’s commitment to scholarly excellence, fostering the integration of research and teaching. It has made significant contributions to Greece’s scientific achievements in computational science and engineering.

  • https://pi-tech.gr/

    Pi tech

    Pi tech is a visionary Greek startup established in 2020, specializing in creating immersive Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality experiences. Our focus spans sectors such as education, culture, history and health. At Pi tech, we aim to bridge the gap between the virtual and real worlds, crafting high-quality, interactive experiences that enhance learning and engagement.  

    We are committed to global expansion with a particular emphasis on collaborations that drive research and educational innovation. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities to expand into sectors like industry and advanced technologies such as 5G/6G and AI.

  • https://www.rokoko.com/ 


    At Rokoko, we're about capturing the essence of human movement. With our capture tools such as the Smartsuit Pro II and our AI-powered Rokoko Vision, we're shattering the barriers of traditional motion capture. We are spearheading a paradigm shift in how creators work with human motion data. Our tools, once reserved for the elite, are now empowering hundreds of thousands of creators across diverse domains: gaming, film, education, sports, health, live performances, and immersive XR experiences. Harnessing the power of AI, Rokoko Vision transforms a simple webcam or camera into a studio-level motion capture device, setting a new standard for accessibility in the mocap realm. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and with hubs in Greece, the US, and Japan, and with a burgeoning global community of creators by our side, we’re building a future where immersive storytelling is accessible to everyone.

  • EuroXR

    EuroXR is the European Association for eXtended Reality is an international non-profit association founded in 2010 as a continuation of the work in the FP6 Network of Excellence INTUITION (2004 – 2008). EuroXR represents the European XR ecosystem around the globe. Our members are individuals, SMEs, corporates, universities, research teams and Public Research Organisations as well as other associations who are pioneers and leaders in the field of VR/AR/MR technologies. EuroXR was


    COGNISENSUS builds technologies that allow better sensing, data modelling, visualization and/or actuation, supporting the operation , decision or training in complex environments. As one of the I-SENSE/ICCS spin offs, it exploits cutting edge research to advance technologies and services in Environment, XR and Industry 5.0. 

  • https://www.apsim-project.eu/en/ 


    The APSIM project (Applications of Situated Simulations) aims to promote the greek culture using innovative technologies, assisting both the general public and the new generations to get familiar and love the archaeological wealth of Greece. 

    Using an Augmented Reality (AR) application, visitors of archaeological sites and museums will have the opportunity to enjoy a completely different tour-experience in the archaeological sites, resembling one of a video gaming! In particular, the visitors, using their smartphone, will be able to admire the exhibits they select in their original form. They will be able to move and rotate their device, enjoying an interactive visiting experience.

  • Spatial Media Research Group

    The Spatial Media Research Group (SMRG) operates within National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and is directed by Professor Dimitrios Charitos. SMRG is active in research in the field of HCI, with emphasis on the areas of the design, development and evaluation of virtual environments, as well as other types of interactive systems. The team coordinates various educational activities, including undergraduate and postgraduate courses.  SMRG operates as an artist collective that exhibits works of interactive art. SMRG is part of the IMPULSE consortium, an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe, that aims to revolutionize how cultural heritage is presented, accessed, and experienced through immersive, multiuser technologies. The project aims to bring together researchers, artists, cultural heritage institutions, and stakeholders to co-develop innovative ways of presenting digitized content in the Metaverse, while addressing standardization and legal challenges, and promoting collaboration within these multiuser immersive environments.

  • Master EU Project

    Master EU Project - The transition to Industry 4.0 required the adoption of new robotic and automation tools in its processes. The adoption of such tools requires that workers understand how to use and take advantage of them. Additionally, extended reality (XR) technologies have reached sufficient maturity to enter the domain of industrial applications and, among other things, support the training of operators. The EU-funded MASTER project will use XR tools to address the education challenges and create new training material to help operators learn and adapt to the new automation tools, boosting the XR ecosystem's capacity for training in robotics in manufacturing. The project will launch two Open Calls; the first will provide the XR platform with the necessary training tools and features to be enhanced by selected companies, while the second will test first-hand the platform and tools by creating training material.


Venue - Information

Hotel Wyndham Grand Athens

The EuroXR 2024 International Conference will take place in Wyndham Grand Athens , Athens, Greece.

Wyndham Grand Athens is a fully renovated hotel in the center of Athens. Conveniently located right next to Metaxourgeio metro station, Wyndham Grand Athens hotel is the ideal starting point to explore every major attraction and significant landmarks within minutes. Wyndham Grand Athens offers 360 degree panoramic views of the Acropolis, Lycabettus hill and the Saronic Gulf from its impressive rooftop bar restaurant. The hotel's spacious interior features 2.500 sq. meters of multi-functional conference and event spaces. 

The EuroXR Conference will take place in  ZEUS1 and ZEUS2 fully equipped spacious conference rooms, and the Conference's exhibition will also be hosted in the conference hall. 



ADDRESS: Address: 2, Megalou Alexandrou street, GR 10437, Athens Greece

WALK FROM THE STATION: Wyndham Grand Athensa is located in the very heart of Athens, a short 3 minutes walk from Metaxourgeio metro station.


EuroXR 2024


Recommended hotels nearby and within 5km reach.

Become a Sponsor

Dr. Angelos Amdits

Conference Chair,

EuroXR Honorary President

R&D Director, ICCS of NTUA

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to extend a heartfelt invitation to the 21st EuroXR Conference, an annual event organized by the European Association of eXtended Reality (EuroXR). Each year, the Conference stands as one of the leading global gatherings for sharing research findings in the expansive fields of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR). This year, the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) has the honour to co-organize The 21st EuroXR Conference “XR: Expanding Realities, Exploring Horizons” in the captivating backdrop of the city of Athens.

The 21st EuroXR Conference will feature an exciting and rich agenda of keynote speeches, paneldiscussions, joint workshops, poster sessions, lab visits, all designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in the field. As the Local Conference Chair, I am delighted to introduce you to an array of opportunities for supporting the Conference and participating in the technologyexhibition

We are confident that the 21st edition will be a significant milestone in advancing knowledge and fostering collaborations across our fields. We look forward to your active participation and support,

Warm regards,

Dr Angelos Amditis

EuroXR Conference Chair

What to expect?

Get Inspired

  • 10+ experts speakers: Industry leaders, experts in the field, and hands-on experience

  • Tracks: Technologies, Human factor Issues, Applications, covering today's most

  • Interesting topics in the XR industry

  • Meetings: Meet, discuss and share knowledge with the best in the sector

  • European Projects: Workshops, presentations and stands

  • Athens: Explore one of the most fascinating and peculiar cities of Europe

Get to know

  • The big names and companies in the sector

  • New European Projects within the industry

  • Latest advances in XR technologies

  • Current and existing projects in the sector


  • Community: Meet the most sought - after expert in the sector

  • XR Open Forum: Interesting debates on the latest topics

  • Connect: Arranged spaces for networking all through the conference

  • Brunch and drinks: Join our food and beverage as an opportunity for networking

Why to sponsor?

Promote your company brand to industry and academic leaders

Access a network for interdisciplinary collaborative research involving industry, academia and public institutions

Gain knowledge and insight in the latest developments surrounding the concepts of XR, state of the art research and top science

Be promoted to media and press outlets in conjunction with the Conference

Develop collaborative partnerships and leads

Include your logo on all Conference documentation

Network with top influential people in the academic, industry and policy sector internationally

Pursue a prominent speaking role

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • 3 complimentary Conference Passes

  • +/‐ 4m2 space for presentation of the company in the foyer of the venue/exhibition

  • Organization logo on the front page of the conference web site, plus logo and company listing on the sponsor page (50‐word description and hyperlink to sponsor website)

  • Logo and recognition in promotional notices for the conference (press release, printed agenda, social media etc)

  • Formal acknowledgment in the opening and closing of the conference/ and networkingreception

  • 2 tickets for the Gala & Networking event

Gold Sponsorship (€ 3,000)

  • 2 complimentary Conference Passes

  • Logo and company listing on the sponsor webpage, social media and all press material

  • +/‐2m2 space for presentation of the company in the foyer of the venue/exhibition (table & chairs structure)

  • Formal acknowledgment in the opening and closing of the conference/ and networking reception

  • 1 tickets for the Gala & Networking event

Silver Sponsors (€ 2,000)

Bronze Sponsors / Project Contribution (€ 1,000)

  • 1 complimentary Conference Pass

  • +/‐ 2m2 space for presentation of the company in the foyer of the venue/exhibition (table & chairs structure)

  • Logo and company listing on the sponsor page and all press material

  • 1 ticket for the Gala Dinner

Sponsor a Session

Duration: up to 60 min

(Session proposal to be subject to evaluation procedure)

Conference Session (1500 €)

  • A tribute in the Conference Session to the sponsor

  • +/‐ 2m2 space for presentation of the company in the foyer of the

  • venue/exhibition (table & chairs structure)

  • Logo and company listing on the sponsor webpage and all press

  • material

  • 3 free Day Conference Passes

  • Free entrance to the Session (Up to 50 participants)

Main Partners


EuroXR Awards 2024

As is tradition before officially closing the Conference we celebrated the best contributions across the Scientific Track, Application Track, and Poster & Demo Track during the Awards Ceremony.

Scientific Awards Committee:
Dr.Lucio De Paolis, University of Salento
Prof. Benjamin Lok University of Florida, USA
Prof. Konstantinos Moustakas, University of Patras
Prof. Ingrid Scholl, University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen

Poster & Demonstration Awards Commettee:
Dr. Giannis Karaseitanidis, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece
Dr. Despina Michael-Grigoriou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Dr. Barbara Schiavi, VINCI Construction, France
Ms. Electra Tsaknaki, Independent Researcher, Greece
Dr. Wolfgang Schäfer, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland

The winners of the Scientific, Application, and Poster and Demo Awards were:

  • Scientific Paper Honorary Mention Award: Hermenegildo Solheiro, Lee Kent, Keisuke Toyoda
    3-2-3 Multi-AI Segmentation Framework: LoD-based, Incremental Segmentation of 3D Scan Data Using Any 2D AI.

  • Scientific Paper Honorary Mention Award: Charles Bailly, Lucas Pometti, Julien Castet
    3MarkAR: Exploring the Benefits of Combining Microgestures and Mid-Air Marks to Trigger Commands in Augmented Reality.

  • Best Scientific Paper Award: Spyros Vosinakis, George Anastassakis, Panayiotis Koutsabasis, Kostas Damianidis
    User Experience Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Museum Installation for Historic Sailing Ships
    Σπύρος Βοσινάκης,Γιώργος Αναστασάκης,Παναγιώτης Κουτσαμπάσης, Κώστας Δαμιανίδης

  • Application Paper Award: Mariia Podguzova, Simon Haering, Jamiu Ojeleye, Stephan Krauss, Didier Stricker
    AR Assistant for Pruning of Grapevines and Fruit Trees

  • Best Poster Award: Olga Chatzifoti, Maria Roussou

    Voice-based Interactions in Immersive Applications – Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of User Experience

  • Best Demo Award: Jean Botev, Emanuel Dias da Silva, Ningyuan Sun - Haptic Directional Awareness in Virtual Reality

Application Awards Commettee:
Dr. Domna Banakou, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Dr. Jérôme Perret, Haption, France & Germany
Dr. Wolfgang Schäfer, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland